Our work is not possible without the support of people like you.

If you want us to continue sharing the delight of making and seeing art with the world, please consider donating. If you would like to give to one of the funds below, please select it from the dropdown menu above the blue “Donate with PayPal” button.

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Art Restoration Fund

The Art Restoration Fund provides new frames, storage methods, materials, and staff time for Steffen Thomas artworks that are not yet ready for public viewing. This fund supports the staff, materials, and planning necessary to make these works accessible to the public again and ensure their good condition for future generations.

Education Fund

This donation supports the development and execution of our educational programs, which serves over 700 K-12 students and hundreds of other learners each year. That includes free programming for schools that need assistance to include art education programs.

Exhibitions Fund

This fund supports our Special Exhibitions. Every year, STMA produces four to six Special Exhibitions which act as the anchor all of our other programming from workshops to educational curriculum to live performances. Donating to this fund means supporting a robust lineup of Special Exhibitions that bring fresh ideas to the Museum and its programs.

Sara’s Endowment Fund

The endowment fund is a long-term investment in the Museum. This covers the costs that other funds do not, allowing STMA to operate smoothly and recover faster from emergencies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the cushion we used to keep our staff and get back on our feet.